There are several ways you can join forces with the Organization's work . Your support helps us to change lives. When people come together, pool their human and capital resources, and invest themselves, extraordinary things transpire. There are opportunities to VOLUNTEER, or PARTNER with the Organization.
Determine how you want to partner with us.
Corporate Partnerships
Corporate partnerships with Women for Progress offer unique opportunities for businesses and organizations to help change lives statewide. Corporations can support WFP through various sponsorships, volunteer projects, make in-kind contributions, or lend expertise to fill a void in one of our program areas. Partnering with WFP also aligns your organizations with a group that is working “hands-on” with the people it seeks to serve and allows a chance for your organization to connect with our large, diverse audience of supporters, and volunteers.
Individual Membership
Individual membership with WFP offers many benefits. The organization offers many opportunities for voluntarism, an opportunity to make friends for life with women who show common concern for the community and an opportunity to contribute your talents to the growth and enrichment of our families, our schools, our communities and the society in which we live.
Volunteer your time and talent with one of our core leaders or to assist with a special event or activity. You can be a creative team member, meet other people who share your passion and commitment for the WFP objectives of advocacy, awareness and action.
Individual Membership: $125 Annual
Corporate Membership: $200 Annual
Student Membership: $75 Annual
Advisory Counsel $50 Additional